10 Ways to Make Money from TikTok, Beginners Must Try!

 10 Ways to Make Money from TikTok, Beginners Must Try!

There are lots of ways to make money from TikTok for beginners. Currently, TikTok has become a very popular platform and is widely used to earn money from the internet.

According to Kata data, TikTok users in Indonesia will reach 112.97 million users by April 2023. This figure is the second highest in the world after the United States. The difference is only 3.52 million users. With the massive number of TikTok users in Indonesia, it is certain that many people want to earn money from this platform.

Below, Dewa web has summarized several ways that you can use to make money from TikTok, even for beginners, read it to the end!

How to Make Money from TikTok for Beginners

Here are some things you can do to earn money from TikTok:

1. Join a TikTok affiliate

TikTok affiliate is a program that connects content creators and sellers so that it can benefit both parties. The way affiliate TikTok works is by simply linking a link in your video content and you will get a commission if a TikTok user buys goods through the link you shared earlier.

So, in this affiliate program the creators are only tasked with offering products to potential buyers. Usually, on the creator's TikTok content there will be a yellow basket icon to make it easier for viewers to buy the items being promoted.

The more sales that come from a user's affiliate link, the higher the commission the creator will receive. With the TikTok affiliate program, users can make money while becoming successful content creators.

2. Sell products on TikTok Shop

TikTok Shop is the newest feature that allows users to sell their products directly through the TikTok application. With this feature, users can easily display and promote their products to their followers.

The existence of a TikTok Shop can provide opportunities for users to earn money through product sales. Users can sell unique products, such as clothing, accessories, or other creative items, directly to their followers.

In this way, TikTok Shop provides an opportunity for users to make money by running their own business through the popular TikTok application.

3. Carrying out the TikTok mission

The main mission of running TikTok is to make money. With this application, many users can develop unique and interesting content to attract the attention of their audience.

They can use advertising or endorsements to become brand partners and generate revenue. Additionally, with the growing popularity of TikTok, opportunities for collaboration with other brands and companies have also increased.

In this way, TikTok has become a platform that allows individuals to make money from their hobby of making creative videos.

4. Attract donations from live

TikTok has one of the best features to earn money called TikTok Donation. The way this donation feature works is that you only need to do a live video about whatever you want.

Later, the audience can give you a gift in the form of a sticker. Each sticker has its own price range, some are classic or premium. You can later exchange these stickers from viewers for balance.

To take advantage of this feature, users need to meet certain requirements, such as having 1000 followers and being at least 16 years old. Apart from that, users can also add their personal QR code or PayPal link in the live broadcast description to make it easier for viewers to donate.

5. Utilize TikTok Ads

Currently, TikTok has become one of the most popular social media platforms in Indonesia. Many people use TikTok to upload their creative videos. However, not only ordinary users can take advantage of TikTok, but also advertisers.

TikTok offers paid advertising that can help companies or individuals to earn income through the internet. By utilizing TikTok Ads, advertisers can reach millions of TikTok users and promote their products or services.

Apart from that, TikTok Ads also provide the opportunity to earn money from the internet by monetizing uploaded videos. In this way, using TikTok Ads is an effective way to make money from the internet.

6. Join the TikTok Creator Fund

One way to get money from TikTok is to join the TikTok Creator Fund. This program is a way for creators to earn income from the content they create on the TikTok platform.

To be able to join the TikTok Creator Fund, there are several conditions that need to be met. First, users must have at least 10,000 followers. Second, the uploaded video must have at least 10,000 views in the last 30 days.

If they meet these requirements, users can apply to become part of the TikTok Creator Fund. Then, users will start receiving payments based on the performance of their content.

By joining the TikTok Creator Fund, you will be compensated based on the performance of the uploaded videos. The more views and engagement you get, the greater the potential income you will get.

 7. Create sponsored content posts

Sponsored post adalah jenis konten yang dibuat oleh influencer atau pembuat konten dan riposting di platform media sosial. Di TikTok, sponsored post menghasilkan pendapatan bagi pembuatnya melalui kerja sama dengan merek atau perusahaan.
Influencer akan membuat video TikTok yang mempromosikan produk atau layanan tertentu. Mereka biasanya menampilkan produk dengan cara yang kreatif, menarik perhatian penonton, dan mencoba meyakinkan mereka untuk mencobanya atau membelinya.
Para influencer ini sering membuat konten yang lucu, menghibur, dan menggugah minat pemirsa untuk menghasilkan interaksi dan meningkatkan kesadaran merek.
Semakin populernya TikTok, semakin banyak merek yang melirik platform ini sebagai alat pemasaran yang efektif. Sponsored post memberikan kesempatan untuk menyasar audients yang tepat dan meningkatkan penjualan, sambil memberikan pendapatan tambahan bagi influencer.

 8. Offer admin services on TikTok

Nowadays, many people are looking for ways to earn money from TikTok. In this case, offering admin services on TikTok could be a promising option.

TikTok admins are responsible for managing one's TikTok account professionally. They will ensure the content posted is in line with the target audience and established marketing strategy.

As a TikTok admin, they must have a good understanding of the TikTok algorithm and how to optimize content to get more attention.

By offering this service, TikTok admins can help TikTok users get more followers and achieve their goals, such as making money from TikTok through endorsements, advertising, or product sales.

In this era of ever-growing social media, offering admin services on TikTok is a promising opportunity.

 9. Promote music

In this digital era, social media has become a very effective platform for promoting music. One very popular platform is TikTok.

With millions of active users, TikTok offers great opportunities for musicians to earn income from TikTok.

Various songs that have gone viral on TikTok have gained immense popularity and many artists are even releasing new songs in the hope that they will go viral on TikTok.

To date, many musicians have successfully utilized and promoted their musical works through TikTok, and this has helped them achieve success and increase the number of their fans.

Therefore, as musicians, it is very important to utilize and optimize the power of social media like TikTok to promote our music and increase income.

10. TikTok marketing

TikTok marketing is a marketing strategy that involves using the TikTok application to promote a brand, product, or service.

With more than 800 million monthly active users, TikTok has become a popular platform for marketers to reach younger audiences. TikTok offers a variety of features and tools that enable marketers to create creative and engaging content.

For example, users can create short videos that use popular music or the latest trends to create a powerful and entertaining message.

Additionally, TikTok also provides various advertising options that can be placed on users' homepages or used in larger promotional campaigns. Thus, TikTok marketing can be an effective strategy for marketers who want to reach the younger generation and build strong brand awareness on the platform.

 FAQs About Making Money from TikTok

As a beginner, usually after reading the methods above there are still unanswered questions. 
This time www.rifsite87.com has summarized several questions that are usually asked (FAQ) and will try to answer them.

How much money do 1000 followers on TikTok get?

TikTok actually doesn't pay users based on the number of followers they have. However, sometimes there are brands that offer collaboration because they see the number of followers of an account. 
For example, a TikTok account with 1000 followers can earn $6.30-$18.9 per post.

Can you make money by creating content on TikTok?

Creating content on TikTok can of course make money. By becoming a content creator or even an influencer on TikTok, you can monetize your TikTok account and reap profits. However, to be able to make money through content on TikTok, you need to have interesting and unique content and build a strong audience.

Can you make money from FYP TikTok?

FYP (For You Page) TikTok is a page that displays content tailored to the interests and preferences of TikTok users. If your video content successfully enters the user's FYP, there is a great opportunity to increase the exposure and popularity of your account.

Even though you don't get money instantly, joining FYP allows creators to get a large number of followers and even have the opportunity to get offers to collaborate with well-known brands or influencers. The more famous your TikTok account is, the easier it will be to make money from TikTok.

Which way to make money from TikTok is your choice?

After reading several recommendations for how to make money from TikTok above, you are definitely deciding which one is the most appropriate to try. There's no harm in trying several methods at once, for example joining TikTok affiliates and live TikTok to get donations.

Regardless of which method you use, make sure your TikTok content is interesting, doesn't violate TikTok rules, and posts according to TikTok's FYP schedule. You can also follow social media marketing guidelines so that the income generated can be maximized. Good luck!

Thank you for visiting www.rifsite87.com.


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